The mission of the Vittorio Bertocci Award is to honor Vittorio Bertocci’s legacy by inspiring and supporting the next generation of identity experts who will shape the foundation of digital identity.
Vittorio was a passionate, lifelong contributor to the internet as we know it by continuously engaging with and educating others about digital identity standards. He maintained laser focus on ensuring standards solved real-world problems and bettered the lives of developers tasked with their implementation. His singular charisma and wit guaranteed his lectures were memorable, which he shared all over the globe. By sponsoring motivated individuals to participate in identity standards organizations and events, the Vittorio Bertocci award creates opportunities for new voices to carry on this legacy of contributing to and learning from the standards development process.
DIAF will begin to accept applicants for the Vittorio Bertocci Award on April 9th 2024, and we will provide more details at that time.
Lastly, we believe that digital identity can only work for everyone when it’s built by everyone. We encourage people of all cultural, racial, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, veteran status, nationality, and religious backgrounds to apply.